Saturday, December 28, 2019

Careers Florist Essay - 700 Words

I chose floral design for my career. A florist does a variety of things in a retail flower shop. The main thing is arranging flowers. They prepare bouquets, corsages, funeral pieces, dried floral arrangements, and decorations for weddings, parties, and events. Depending on how much the owner asks of them, some florists are in charge of ordering flowers, ribbon, giftware, and other hard goods. Some also do the bookkeeping. I Chose this career because when I was little I used to go to Garden Gazebo and my Aunt Linda would give me scrap flowers to play with. Then when my grandma bought it I would come up during the summer and watch the girls work. A year and a half ago I started working there. When I started it was just bookkeeping, but I†¦show more content†¦Being a florist gives you the freedom to work almost anywhere in the world. Every large city has lots of flower shops, even a small town like Fairbury has two. Florists work inside in a work area, and sometimes on the selling floor. This job requires constant standing, which is one of the downsides. Other than that the working conditions are ideal. Chances for promotion in this job are slim. Entry level florists take orders and do some simple arranging. All it takes to move up to the next level is practice. Watching and learning from a skilled florist is the key. Some shops also have a manager, this is another position for a skilled floral designer. A florist works in two ways: alone and with others. The actual arranging is done alone. It takes a great deal of concentration and creativity to put together a floral arrangement. Yet, they definatly need to be able to get along with other people. You never know what type of personality the person who just walked in the door has. It takes a lot of patience, especially when it comes to working with that customer who is impossible to please. I found a website where it will give you estimated salaries for a particular job in your town. A floral designer in Fairbury is estimated to make $36,622 a year. This means you can make anywhere from $30,000 to about $45,000 a year around this area. Most florists work a 40 hour week, and some are required to work Saturdays. There isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Rose Only13399 Words   |  54 Pagesability to achieve long-term profitable growth. Roses Only is a florist based in Sydney and Melbourne that delivers a variety of different flower arrangements to its customers to suit any occasion. Established in 1995, Roses Only is part of the Roses Only group, a family run business, with almost 45 years’ worth of retail and floristry experience. It has now grown to become one of the most prominent and well-known names in the florist industry. Holding around 10% of the flower market and with 75%Read MoreInterior Design Reflection1487 Words   |  6 Pagespotential career can be both exciting and nerve racking. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Advertising and Society - 2565 Words

Advertising and Society Introduction: Advertising is said to be like glue that holds cultures together. It allows us to share a common experience incorporated by brands, images, logos, and even silly jingles. We define who we are by what we buy and wear because we know that others judge us by what we buy and wear. And advertising influences those judgments. Today because of advertisements conditioning and trendsetting, judgments are made on what clothes people wear, what shampoo and kitchen cleaner they use, not on whom we really are. This leads to a certain degree of social discrimination and emotional insecurity especially in younger population. In advertising, socio-cultural dimensions came in 1920’s. Agencies and publicists no†¦show more content†¦Then he discussed about the role of advertising in developing ideas about the imaginary world. To elaborate his point the author added the analysis by Cronic in 2000.who argued about the imagination of audience and their relationship and said that they cannot be discovered. Moreover he discussed the post modern and cultural critiques of advertising which were based on the modes of consumption. Then he put studies by Matterlart in 1991 and Kenway and Bullen in 2001 which emphasized on the domination of public space and consumption of advertising where as Jameson in 1991 and Baudrilland in 1988 argued about post-modern ways of criticizing advertising. They said that there is a lack of distinction between the real and imaginary world. The main crux of their studies was that advertising creates hyper reality. In order to relate advertising with other different phenomenon’s he discussed about discourse, ideology, myths and representations. According to author there is an interrelationship between discourses, ideologies myths and representations. For discourses he took the example of car advertisement that how they used technology as a discourse in relation to different environments Moreover he added myths as false ideas about consciousness of ideology as in advertisements of beauty products. According to him advertising not only affects our consciousness butShow MoreRelatedAdvertising And Its Effects On Society844 Words   |  4 Pageslogo, and flyers left on windshields as a form of advertising (2011, p.130). According to Medoff and Kaye, advertising serves an educational, social and economic purpose (2011, p.137). Although advertising appears beneficial in many features, it too has its drawbacks and can be similarly unfavorable. Advertising will perhaps become increasingly ubiqui tous, increasingly influential, and increasingly controversial (Advertising, 2011, p.152). Advertising is highly criticized, not so much for its very natureRead MoreAdvertising And Its Effects On Society1167 Words   |  5 PagesCome To Advertising has found ways to be subtle about how they go about demeaning and dehumanizing different genders, races, ages, ethnicities, cultures, and sexual orientations. Society would like to believe that advertising has improved from the days of showing women’s place in the kitchen and only having light skinned models but now advertising companies have just become sneakier and wittier about the way they portray people and the worst part is that society encourages it. Society, as a wholeRead MoreEffect Of Advertising On Society Essay1728 Words   |  7 PagesTalking about advertising, on the one hand, it is good for its functions, displays, etc.; on the other hand, sometimes it is too good to be true, the way they bring the messages to the consumers which state â€Å"the number one †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . What truly are the miscommunications and how do the viewers react to different types of stimulation among those, are there negative or positive results? This review of literature scope was led by the following question: When it comes to communication and advertising are there positiveRead MoreAdvertising And Its Effect On Society1442 Words   |  6 Pagesproduct. Although sometimes advertising can be quite annoying, it can also help in persuading you to buy a product or service. You may be looking for a specific product for a specific purpose or maybe you have heard of a product simply through its exemplary advertising. There are different viewpoints to advertising and many different ways that it appeals and relates to us as individuals and as a society. Today, in order for the advertisements to stay true to their advertising, there has been a set ofRead MoreDeception in Advertising to the Society865 Words   |  3 Pagesthe end. Society considers deception as a relational transgression, which normally leads to betrayal and mistrust among individuals. Deception can take many forms that may include propaganda, dissimulation, distraction, concealment, camou flage and even self-deception (Carson, 2010). Advertising and Deception The most common form of deception is the use of misleading or false statements in commercial transactions. This is referred to as deceptive or false advertising. False advertising is any promotionRead MoreAdvertising And Its Impact On Society1178 Words   |  5 Pagescomes to advertising these differences are not put aside, especially in terms of gender and race. According to Schroeder Borgerson (1998), advertising is quite significant when influencing, building and illustrating consumers vision of the good life, which includes sexual attraction. Domzal Kernan (1993), added that, advertising images represent an essential part of the experienced visual world. 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In addition, some companies will do anything to boost sales even if that means sacrificing common etiquette or logic to the masses and against their rivals. Advertising is always evolving and a dapting, and for now companies and their advertisers through their advertisements are appearing more cynical and critical by the day. Competition has been a motivating force since man was created. It is a driving pressure

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Music For Children Essay Paper Example For Students

Music For Children Essay Paper Music For ChildrenMusic is an important component for all people to posses in their lives. A child should be introduced to music at a very young age. The introduction of every type of music from classical all the way to modern rock is important. This gives a child the ability to form their own opinion to what they might like the best. Classical music can teach a child every aspect of music including, harmony, themes, dynamics, polymeters, and polyrhythms. These are the components that are scarce in modern music today. The three major components of variation are melody, rhythm, and meter. Variation is an important key to teach a child so that they understand the there are many different ways to approach music and life. The composer Lucien Caillet wrote many variations on the theme ?Pop Goes the Weasel?. Most children have heard this tune in cartoons or songs at school not realizing the classical context. This is a wonderful piece for children because of the dramatic and calm instrumentals followed by the variations of the theme. The music has a whimsical cheerful feel to it and is a perfect example for an introduction, theme, five variations of the theme followed by a coda. These are all important parts of a piece for a child to recognize. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a remarkable composer that all children should study. The piece, ?Ah, Vous Dirai-je, Maman? is perfect for a child in that it resembles a well known nursery rhyme, ?Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?. This piece is also an example of variations of theme. This begins as a simple melody transforming into a complex variation containing a difference in meter throughout the variations with in an increase in tempo. The composition has a very light and cheerful familiar sound to it and could easily attract the attention of a child. The use of sensory imagery in music, impressionism, is another form helpful to increase interest and make music enjoyable. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky composed a piece, ?Promenade, from pictures of an exhibition? solely around an art exhibition. This is a dark and gloomy symphony that represents a marching soldier and paints a vivid picture of an army. Another composer using imagery was Aram Khachaturian, he composed a work called ?Sabre Dance?. This is an extremely energetic powerful piece that paints a definite picture of a chase and catch situation. This can be found in many cartoons today which allows a child to relate the classical music to a humorous situation. The piece is filled with energy and caused my seven year old brother to dance and run around the room. He enjoyed this piece the most and said it reminded him of a Tom and Jerry cartoon.. A modern classical composer, Steve Reich wrote ?Different Trains?, this is a classic example of sensory imagery. The composer uses man y counts of ostinato, tempo, and meter changes to portray the sounds of different trains in different cities. The sampled sounds paint a colorful picture and make the piece very interesting and unique. The originality yet classical makeup attracts children and adults to imagine moving trains. Dynamics, softness and loudness in music, is another important part of musical composition. Franz Joseph Haydn wrote ?The Surprise Symphony? that developed a variation in the dynamic level. ?This piece was written for a special after dinner concert. Haydyn knew that many people used this time for an afterdinner nap so he used calm string music to relax and secure his audience. He gave them just enough time to begin to doze and then CRASH! The whole orchestra would play a chord as loud as possible? (Bond 59). This humorous story and musical piece brings a sense of laughter and a delightful mood to the music. Children seem to respond the most to the light and humorous feel to music. This sets a g ood example of a soft dynamic level followed by a dramatically loud one. This gives a sense a possible dynamic variety in one work. A rondo, musical form in which the first section is repeated several times with a different section between each of the repeats (Staton 179), is a significant form a child should be taught. ?The Viennese Musical Clock? by Zoltan Kodaly performs a rondo in a simple yet entertaining way. This piece is another example of imagery, the sounds of the clock melody produces a picture of little figurines dancing around an old fashioned clock. The mood is happy and joyful, very enjoyable for a child to learn. Narrative is a form of music that tells a story. ?The Nutcracker is a narrative ballet about a little girls Christmas Eve in a time long ago, and the nutcracker that she receives as a present? (Staton 92). This story begins with an overture, an introduction played by the orchestra, by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. This introduction sets the mood for the story. D uring the overture guests arrive for a wonderful party at Claras house (Staton 92). Clara receives a wonderful present from Herr drosselmeyer, a nutcracker in the shape of a soldier. The girls brother and friends are jealous of this present and grab it, accidentally breaking it. Clara goes to bed but unable to sleep because of her sadness. She goes downstairs to check on her precious broken nutcracker to find the soldier come to life and march into battle against an army of mice. This scene leads into ?March? also composed by Tchaikovsky. Clara throws her shoe at the mouse king ending the battle. The soldier turns into a beautiful prince and to thank Clara, he invites her to the Kingdom of Sweets. ?Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy? is the result of this. The prince and Clara sit upon a great throne to watch as dancers perform the ?Russian Dance?, dancing about in tall boots and hats. This is an energetic dance with an extremely fast tempo. The various dances to follow are of many other great lands; Arabia and China. The Arabian dance is much slower and flowing. The Chinese dance is delightful and uplifting. ?The Dance of the Reed Pipes? is a piece played predominantly on three flutes with light background accompaniment of an orchestra. This also contains a repeat of the first section but would not be considered a rondo. The instruments in the second section change from flutes to horns, giving it a powerful energetic feel. The first flowing flute section is repeated with a strong conclusion from the cymbals. The narration concludes with ?Waltz of the Flowers.? This is when the sugar plum fairies call for all the flowers to dance a dreamy final dance. This is a beautiful conclusion introduced by a harp and many horns leading into a waltz. Clara leaves the Kingdom of Sweets filled with happy dreams and thoughts. This narration is a wonderful work for children. This is filled with a variety of dramatic and cheerful pieces to delight a child. The thoughts of Christmas along with presents and a Kingdom of Sweets is enough to keep a child delighted. .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 , .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .postImageUrl , .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 , .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718:hover , .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718:visited , .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718:active { border:0!important; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718:active , .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718 .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufa6838f983b39d32656f9f547ea05718:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 1984 misc 12 00 EssayMusic in any form is important for all people to have in their lives. When a child is introduced to various forms of music at an early age it helps to broaden their minds and see the beauty outside of material things. It is important for a child to learn to have an open mind before the mishaps of life have a chance to close them. BibliographyBond, Judy and Vincent Lawrence. Share the Music Third Edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1995. Bond, Judy and Vincent Lawrence. Share the Music Second Edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988. Staton, Barbara and Merill Staton. Music and You Fifth Grade. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1968. Staton, Barbara and Merill Staton. Music and You Forth Grade. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1978.