Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Contributions of Migrant Workers in the Hotel Industry in London Essay

The Contributions of Migrant Workers in the Hotel Industry in London - Essay Example Concerning the United Kingdom, the immense contribution of migrants has facilitated the performance of the hotel industry in London because they demand low wages, salary packages and fewer facilities than the native born-born workers. For that reason, the operating costs of running the hotel business have been low due to low costs associated with payroll. These cheap salary packages are often due to migrants receiving insufficient information regarding the rules and regulations governing the international labor market and their rights as employees (Alberti, Holgate & Turner 2014). Consequently, the migrant workers have no idea of the fact that minimum wage policies exist. One of the determining factors of the minimum wage in the United Kingdom is the age group. The wage rates are calculated on the basis of the number of hours spent at work. For instance, the current wage rate per hour of an employee whose age is 21 years and above is  £ 6.50. In addition, the migrant workers might lack the information about the existence of health and safety regulations that impose various limitations on the working condition. Therefore, the level of wage set for them by their employees is just what their employers wish for them to earn. The hotel industry exploits the opportunity created by lack of sufficient information in a bid to reduce the expenses, thus increase the profitability level. (Janta et al. 2012). Migrant workers continually play a noteworthy and significant role in the Hotel industry across the globe. The internal movements of labor that occur within nations will be of equivalent volumes and, in a few countries, more noteworthy and essential in meeting the needs of the Hotel Industry (Shen & Huang 2012). The migrant workers are a vital source of government revenue. The tax on their wages makes a substantial contribution to the global government incomes.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

International Logictics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Logictics - Essay Example World trade has been increasing at an average rate of six percent for the last 20 years, which is twice the rate of world output. The integration of the world economy with the help of trade has lifted the living standards of the people within these developing nations, which is a positive sign. However for the trade to occur in the first place, it is very significant to understand what goes behind to actually make supply chain management possible. Transportation of goods holds the key in this scenario. Also, sustained and consistent economic growth requires policies that can open trade and investment with the rest of the world. There is proof to it and it is that there has not been a single nation that has achieved economic stability without being open to the world for trade. International trade requires liberalization, i.e., openness to all and sundry within the world no matter what. The living standards are in direct proportion with them. Transportation holds the significance for connection between the channel members at the trading level as it swifts up the whole process of delivering goods from the manufacturer to the distributor who in turn does his best to provide the retailer with the goods after he stores the same for a while. In the end, at certain instances the retailers also give customers with the goods and products that they want through transportation service. There is a high need to promote and liberalize the manner in which trade is carried out within the world eco nomy. It needs to be more generous to everyone and anyone as well as helpful for the developing nations so that more and more trade is carried out between the economic world markets. Agriculture is one such example of being more liberal for the international trade market. Trade liberalization proves very helpful for any country’s economy but it encompasses within itself some negative factors like the increased food